Tuesday, June 30, 2009

See how Dear Hound is illustrated

Many kids may find learning about how a book is produced interesting. There is so much more to publishing than simply the craft of writing. Explaining contract language and editorial rights might be a bit dry for a youngster, but learning what is front matter and back matter and how and why ISBN-13 numbers are created can bring a greater appreciation to books. Probably one of the most interesting things is how illustrations are produced for a particular book or character.

Coming soon is a promising children's dog book out of the UK called "Dear Hound" written and illustrated by Jill Murphy by Puffin Books, due out in October. It is the story of Alfie, a sensitive Scottish Deer Hound separated from his owners and his adventures finding his way back home.

Check out the Puffin Blog at: http://www.thepuffinblog.typepad.com/ . There you can see a Puffin meeting where they are going over potential illustrations for Dear Hound. I particularly like the second picture which shows two head shots of Alfie the deerhound with different types of ears and which one was picked.

This may lead to more exploration of the world of publishing for you and your child.

Good reading!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog

This is not the usual review. Please join with me in welcoming award winning author Barb Techel and her dachshund Frankie. Barb’s book “Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog” is making news all over both the online and the dog community. The story of this little dog’s paralysis and long therapy is an inspiring example of courage, acceptance and love. Barb has come to answer a few questions in our first author interview.

The Trainer Says: There are those that come into our lives for a day, a week or a lifetime. But, in that period, they leave a mark on our hearts that puts us on a new and better road in life. Frankie has had this effect on Barb. She has enriched other people’s lives as well. Read “Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog” for yourself and then read it for someone who needs to hear it.

Q: In your book Frankie wants to show her “spunky personality” when she first sees you. What went through your mind when you first saw puppy Frankie?

Barb: I was head over heels in love (still am)! She was just so tiny. The place I bought her had this long gravel driveway and the lady went up to the kennel to get her. Frankie walked so nicely beside her, and promenaded down the driveway.
I had no intentions when I left my house that morning to bring her home that day. I was just going to “look” to see if I wanted her. But when I saw her I got big tears in my eyes and just knew she had to go home with me that day.

Q: Dachshunds always seem like a dog on a mission. They go about the house with purpose. What are some of Frankie’s self-appointed tasks?

Barb: You know dachshunds well, Charlotte. Yes! They always seem to be on a mission. Frankie’s main mission in life is to eat. She is very motivated by food. And if you have read the book, you will know how handy food came in when she got her wheels. J
Frankie is also the Queen of letting us know whenever someone walks by the house, a leaf blows, a bird chirps, a squirrel climbs up a tree… I think you get the picture. She is always in tune with everything.
This has actually made her a very good therapy dog. Whenever we get to the hospital, senior assisted living facility or hospice that we visit, she seems to know exactly why she is there.

Q: Do you feel that Frankie’s accident and her long therapy brought you closer; perhaps a deeper understanding or greater empathy of each other than before?

Barb: Without a doubt! I sometimes can’t believe how much I love this little dog. That was really put to the test when she was first hurt. I wanted to do all I could to help her heal and walk again, while at the same time realizing I had to be concerned about finances. But really, I was able to do what I could and it all turned out as well as could be. I would have loved to have had her walk like a normal dog again, but I also see and know how happy she is. It is why I am so happy to share her story and show others it can be done.

Q: Frankie’s story is an inspiring one. What story about her example first comes to mind?

A: I realized about 2 ½ months into her recovery that the odds were against us that she would walk again. The surgeon told me statistically these little dogs will walk within the first three months after surgery if they are to walk again. When I realized she may not walk again I went through a bit of depression for a few days. But one day I realized Frankie never felt sorry for herself. She was still Frankie and continued to be happy even though her back legs didn’t work. It made me apply it to my own life and realize I had a choice as to how I was going to face the reality of her being this way the rest of her life. I was just so grateful she was not in any pain, she was happy, and eventually would walk with the help of a doggie wheelchair.
Frankie really is such an inspiration because she continues to thrive and be the dog she always was, despite having to get around a bit differently. I often tell people, “I don’t think she even realizes she has wheels. She just knows she can run and play, and so she does.”

Q: Frankie is your life changing dog. She has brought unseen aspects of your personality to light. What life lessons have you learned from your end of the leash?

A: The biggest lesson is to face challenges in a positive way, and to always look for the blessings hidden in my challenges.
Frankie has given me a confidence in myself that I never really had. I am so passionate about her story and how she persevered that I love sharing it with others. That meant having to overcome being afraid to talk in front of a crowd. But her story and the message are so important to me I can’t help but want to share it.
I also believe Frankie has made me a more compassionate person. I try very hard not to judge others by outside appearances or even by what others may think. I also have way more patience now too! That affects so many parts of my life in a very positive way.

Q: You now work with other organizations that provide homes and services to injured and crippled dogs. Can you tell us about a few of them?

A: I came across http://www.dodgerslist.com/ and http://www.handicappedpets.com/ when Frankie was initially hurt. Both were instrumental in helping me feel better about my situation, and providing information to ease my mind. Whenever I can, I talk with people (especially dachshund owners) who are going through their own dog suffering from IVDD and try to help them with their fears. Sometimes just talking to someone has actually been through this can take away some of the stress and fear.
I often refer others to Dodgers List and Handicapped Pets also so they can educate themselves on what they can do to help their pet.
It is one of the things I truly enjoy doing, which is reaching out to others who are going through this. I didn’t know where to turn to at the beginning and really had no one to talk to in person who had been through this. Thank goodness for Dodgers List and Handicapped Pets.

Q: On the writing side, did you send Frankie’s story to the major publishers before deciding to form Joyful Paws? What benefits have you seen?

A: No, I did not submit to a major publisher. I had attended a writer’s conference, as well as did much research on the subject. Being a first time author I felt I had a better chance doing this on my own instead of hoping a publisher would accept my story. I was concerned by the time a publisher might accept my story that Frankie may have passed on. It was so important to me to start getting out there and talking about her story of hope and inspiration. I also like the fact I can control a lot of the different aspects of how I want my book to be, and the marketing parts of it, and how I want to share my message.
The benefits have been amazing!! There is not a day that goes by that I don’t feel so good for what I am doing by sharing Frankie’s story. Whether we are doing therapy dog work, visiting a school, sharing our message on the internet, or being involved in community projects, it has all been wonderful.

Q: What new ventures are ahead for you and Frankie?

A: Well, Frankie’s NEW Activity Workbook will be out SOON, if not already with this interview on your blog. You can pre-order on my website http://www.joyfulpaws.com/store.htm and they are expected to ship around June 6th.
Also Frankie will have a new book out early next year called, Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House. This is about Frankie’s therapy dog work at a senior assisted facility we visit once a month. Most of the patients have Alzheimer’s or dementia. She has such a positive affect on them, as well as the residents do on me and Frankie. It is very rewarding work.
Frankie and I continue our therapy dog work visiting the hospital and hospice, as well as doing presentations for local schools and organizations. It has truly enriched my life.

Thank you so much, Charlotte for hosting Frankie and I on your blog today!!
To learn more, and to order a copy of this multi-award winning picture book, please visit http://www.joyfulpaws.com/
There will be a SPECIAL OFFER FOR VISITORS TO THE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR. Each guest who comments on a post in Barbara and Frankie's tour will be entered in a drawing for some fun, unique gifts that will especially appeal to Frankie fans and other dog lovers. We will give away several items from Frankie's store: http://www.cafepress.com/Joyfulpaws
These include two Frankie t-shirts and two Frankie tote bags.

Be Gentle with the Dog, Dear

Title: Be Gentle with the Dog, Dear
Author: Michael Baek
Illustrator: By the Author
Publisher: Dial Books
Genre: Picture Book
Ages: 3 to 6
Rating: 5 Paws out of 5

Synopsis: Tag, the gentle family dog loves and is loved by Baby Elisa. She squeezes, tackles and pulls Tag’s tail. Mom and Dad tell her to “be gentle with the dog, dear.” But, when she takes Tag’s favorite toy, she has gone too far. As the book says, “What is a good dog to do?” How Tag solves this problem is exactly the way most dogs resort to solve conflicts.

Michael Baek is a Korean born writer, artist and graphic designer. His words are concise and tell the story with compassion for both the dog and the baby. The colorful illustrations are kept simple, but really capture the dog's body language and innocence of little Elisa. Particularly well drawn is the picture of Tag growling with ears flat and teeth bared.

The Trainer Reads: Mr. Baek illustrated this all too common story found in homes today. An otherwise good and gentle dog is taxed by the new baby growing and exploring. Parents must understand that toddlers aren’t mature enough to have a sense of empathy for other creatures. It’s crucial to remember that the dog whose pack structure fits so beautifully into our family unit is still a descendent of the wolf. Small children are litter mates at best. This story leads to a happy ending for Tag and the baby. Elisa learns her limits and they become friends again. “Be Gentle with the Dog, Dear” is an excellent book for parents to share with toddlers to begin the road to an empathetic, caring and responsible adult.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Frankie and Barb Coming to Visit

We are pleased to be welcoming Barbara Techel and Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog to our first interview as part of her virtual blog tour on June 8th. The author will discuss how her little dachshund Frankie has overcome paralysis to inspire others and continues to live a full and happy life. Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog is a beautifully produced picture book and truly deserves the awards it has gathered, including the Dog Writers of America Merial Human-Animal Bond Award and the 2008 National Best Book Award (soft cover picture book).

Frankie is truly the life changing dog for Barbara and an inspiration to so many. Today, they tour both the virtual and real worlds speaking on several topics:
  • Teaching adults and children about compassion
  • Helping readers overcome difficulties
  • Providing encouragement to children with disabilities and their families
  • Helping people see their challenges as an opportunity to grow
  • Showing animals that animals with disabilities can still be a service to the community
  • Helping owners and veterinarians understand paralysis in Dachsies and that a wheelchair is a viable option.
It has been a delight to find such an inspiring message filled with the human animal bond. Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog is a must read for parents whether or not challenges have touched yours or your children's lives. Such difficulties as Frankie and Barb have met will be encountered in each child's life and empathy for others is a quality our society deeply needs.

We were flattered to be asked to be part of Barb's virtual tour and hope that you will all welcome her to Children's Dog Books and Reviews.